I’m Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Department of Computer Science, City St George’s, University of London,
and member of the Research Centre for Machine Learning.
Additionally, I am an Associate Member of the
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford and Member of the Common Room at Kellogg College.
Prior to joing City, I was Senior Research Associate at the
Department of Computer Science,
University of Oxford,
working with
Prof. Giuseppe De Giacomo on his Advanced ERC project
I obtained my Ph.D. in Mathematical and Computer Science at the University of Napoli "Federico II" (Italy) under the supervision of
Prof. Aniello Murano. During my Ph.D., I had been visiting research scholar at Rice University under the supervision of
Prof. Moshe Vardi.
Email: antonio.di-stasio AT city.ac.uk
Room A309I, College Building [A]
Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB
My research topics include Game Theory, Parity Games, Formal Aspects of System Specification, Verification, Synthesis, and Automated Planning.
- Chair: Highlights of Reasoning about Actions, Planning and Reactive Synthesis, co-located with ECAI 2024
- Chair: On the Effectiveness of Temporal Logics on Finite Traces in AI part of the AAAI 2023 Spring Symposium Series
- PC Member: AAMAS 2025, VMCAI 2025 Artifact Evaluation, ECAI 2024, KR 2023-2024, IJCAI 2023-24, IJCAI 2021-2022 Survey Track, AAMAS 2021-2022, AAAI 2021, ECAI 2020
- Journal Reviewer: JAIR, ACM Computing Survey, Fundamenta Informaticae
- Foundations of Self-Programming Agents (Class Tutor) 2023/24, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
- Game-Theoretic Approach to Planning and Synthesis, 24-28 July 2023, ESSAI 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Game-Theoretic Approach to Planning and Synthesis, (Phd Course), 4-8 July 2022, Sapienza University of Rome
The papers posted here consist of preliminary versions of papers that are about to be published or have been published in journals or conference proceedings. For final versions, please see cited journals or proceedings.
Last update on: October 12, 2022